regina leaves henry fanfiction

After creating a bucket list, her best friend of twenty years, Emma Swan, seeks to help her complete the list, though they both cross off more than they expected. Even the once upon a time's creators (Adam & Edward) said that Regina loves Henry & has done good thing of parenting Henry for 10 years. When my husband said that he thought the code word was going to be mom I said, surely not. One day, he wanted to find keys in Reginas office but Regina was in her office, so he tricked Regina to get out of her office. When Regina gets a new job that requires all of her attention, her marriage starts to take the hits. Rated M for sexy SQ times. The way she dresses. ",, Everyone has their own story, this one is theirs and it paints the picture of a love story that spans over two decades, with all the ups and downs and everything else in between. So Regina risked her life, sucked up the death magic, to save Emma & Snow (as requested by Henry). When Regina was thrown away to the ground because of sucking up the death magic to save Emma & Snow (as requested by Henry), he didnt even care whether she was hurt or not (he didnt even ask her are you ok mom?). summary-AU where Regina and David find themselves tumbling through the hat in to the Enchanted Forest instead of Emma and Snow. The fact that Regina actually did a good job of raising Henry for a long time, and clearly cares about him, does not negate her later actions, if anything, its the other way around. It takes place after the season 3 finale. The tension was exquisite, building with every passing glance, every vicious remark, every heatedly locked gaze, and every manipulative move made. Young!Regina AU. Its just too big of an issue for me the callous way this situation is being handled. When I first started, I loved the show but had a really hard time with them casting the adoptive mother as the Evil Queen and the birth mother as the Hero. This story dips heavily into the BDSM subculture. Even Henry has waffled from telling Regina that she is not his mother to encouraging her to change so she can be part of his life. There is more to Regina than initially meets the eye. but there . When Cora killed Daniel, she shattered Reginas heart, devastating her. [female!ocxmale!oc] In this weeks episode, The Cricket Game, Regina is shown again to be consumed with hatred and anger toward Snow White. = Regina has much to fear if the Saviour breaks her curse. 2013 Emma can't control her magic; every night it brings her to Regina. After Regina finds out how Emma chose to punish him, she throws a fit and finds herself in the same precarious position. When she asked if Regina loved Henry, Regina lied, and Henrys efforts to get to know Emma caused him to climb under her skin in a way she never imagined. "real" or "fantasy". A girl named Haley has had a pretty tough life and everything gets a whole lot harder when finds out that she is adopted. Sometimes the birth parents are right to try to reclaim, sometimes bad birth parents can wreck a happy adoptive family. Mostly Hook and Henry father-son dynamics, featuring Captain Swan, Henry's favourite grandparents, Snowing, and mentions of the warmest hugs in Storybrooke. Rumpelstiltskin once threatened to kill Henrys family, but later when Henry knew that Rumpelstiltskin was his grandfather, he wanted to call him grandpa. Its true that well-meaning adoptive parents fear the birth parents trying to claim back the child, and well-meaning birth parents fear that their children will fall into the hands of bad adoptive parents. Yes, Snow was a child, but Regina, lacking the skills to properly deal with her anguish, became the only mother she knew, Cora. Klaus's eldest daughter but he never believed she was his own. . Right then, at noon on Sunday, January 1, 2023, things in Storybrooke began to change because right then, the door to Grannys Cafe opened, and someone new walked in. And why is Snow suddenly acting strange? ", Or are they? Swan Queen AU Fanfic Recommendations . The events of this week, being accused of the death of Archie, have derailed Regina off the path of redemption. Ive gone back and forth myself, but I think you overlooked a few key events that Regina had complete power over. Emma will travel to Hyperion Heights in hopes to bring him back to Storybrooke. Emma was 100% prepared to leave, but Regina realised the fear of the birth parent: that the best chance they gave their child up for wasnt that at all. Terrified of the entrapments of a loveless marriage, she finds that the same marriage might just be able to bring her the freedom she has always desired. He deliberate ate that turnover instead of destroying it so that Emma would be forced to stay and break the curse. It is no help that she possesses a midnight dark hair ~Rumpelstiltskin's sister, Adaline Rose finds who she is by following her memories., When Snow realizes Gold is after Regina and Emma's truelove children, the family will do anything to keep them safe-including sending them back in time to the care of their former selves. Her misdeeds (stealing cars, conning people) are forgivable. The people seemed to be fine, having regular lives with the daily grind of work. What is her surprise when she sees her new stunning math teacher. Work Search: setTimeout( I dont understand how a kid could believably act this way about his mom. Henry Mills gets his family back in Season 6's Episode, Awake. Will they be able to work together to rekindle their tainted love? Regina loves Henry in a way that Emma will never be able to. Denied a happy ending, Regina, with the help of Rumplestiltskin, tore almost everyone away from their happiness in Fairy Tale Land, stripped them of their memories (except Rumple), and forced them to live in a land with no magic. This story now has a sequel "Taming a Little Dragon. summary-After 5 years since Marian came back from past and Regina left Storybrooke to live France, Regina sat on the plane, finally coming home and remembers what happened. The fear of Henry being taken away from her explains her actions. (I was also not thrilled about the message theyre sending with the whole Emmas parents love each other and therefore shes better than everyone else. You called it. Emma Swan is an orphan who finally gets to rid herself of her past to chase her dream of going to college to become a cop. The door to my moms room was ajar. Henry knows that Regina loves him so much, and he knows that she desperately wants him to love her back. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window). Now the two must deal with the conflicting situation and rising sexual tension. + In another day Henry asked Regina to prove her love to him by saving Emma & Snow from the death magic of a well. Emma is not. And it all began with a spell, a Sheriff, and a thief." *Established Swan Queen*, Even after he knew that Regina was trying to change to be a better person? Emma's arrival put Regina into protective mode; all she had built was threatened, and she didn't want any of it, most of all Henry, taken away from her. But with the help of Henry and the Charmings, she can try to forget and to mend her ever aching heart Slowly fixing Outlaw Queen. The Evil Queen had already separated his grandparents, if they could get one true love couple back together, maybe the curse would start to weaken. Her little prince is all grown up with a baby of his own, but he still needs his mama. Six years later the Queen seeks to retrieve the child, instead enter Emma Swan age 24, who intrigues Regina enough to make her an offer- become her slave for a year in exchange for a trip home. College AU: Emma Swan is a culinary arts student. I found these in tumblrs and wanted to put it here: Do the writers of this show even know what parent is?,,, Regina andDavidN./ Prince Charming fan fiction, Regina M./The Evil Queen, David N./Prince Charming. Because she grew up in foster homes and went the wild child route before becoming a bounty hunter, she is reluctant to be Henrys mother. So, on the one hand, I *dont* think she has the privilege to keep Henry because she has proven herself to be an unfit mother. These are his thoughts on the matter. Regina Mills is a literal high-flying business executive with terrible social skills. Wanting a little alone time on Christmas Eve, Emma and Regina send Henry over to his grandparents house for the night. This is pretty much why I stopped watching the show. At the turn of the new year, she heads back to school to only be greeted by a new young and gorgeous World History teacher, the one and onlyher holiday hook-up. M for language and future chapters. The queen met her dark eyes with the shining eyes of the prince. [S1-7] : Recueil de drabbles et d'OS sans lien les uns avec les autres. It always felt wrong to me. I found myself wanting to write a fanfic where Henry has a medical emergency in NYC and Emma is forced to just stand there and watch him suffer because she cant approve any procedures he needs (or knows anything about his previous medical history, for that matter, which might get them suspicious, and maybe Social Services get involved, and so on and so forth). The show delivers consistently week after week by introducing twists and revelations at a steady pace. Or: What would have happened if August continued to pretend to be Rumplestiltskin's son. In an alternate reality, Emma Swan is not the daughter of the legendary Snow White and Prince Charming, that title goes to Rylee Monroe. However, if it WAS legal, I dont think any social worker in the world would have allowed her to keep Henry in her home after the things shes done. Your email address will not be published. Other pairings Captain Swan, Snowing, Rumbelle and Frankenwolf. SwanQueen, Zades, Hookfire, Rule!63, SleepingWarrior et StepQueen (notamment). date started: 11/15/22 Now Complete. (A Christmas Swan Queen fic), Emma and present-day Regina must work together to figure out why the curious young teen is there and how to send her back before the past is irreparably changed, thus altering their entire lives in the present. As David pointed out to her in season two, with her magic out of commission the one and only thing keeping her alive in a town full of people with ample reason to hate her is that Henry wishes it. SwanQueen AU,, In her final year of college, Emma finds she has more to account for than the extra credits she needs in order to graduate. Heartbroken that Henry won't talk to her she decides that they would be better without her. She takes matters into her own hands to try and prove she's right. The conflict between Henry and Regina seems to have started with his claims that the town was cursed and he lived in a town full of fairy tale characters. Their love wasn't normal, their love didn't make sense Nevaeh and her family are transported to another world. Regina has loved & raised Henry for 10 years. The group was surprised with a shocking sight: a girl. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post curse. "], showed signs of cutting her some slack in Season Two, such as when they worked together while Henry was communicating with Aurora. Ugh. This is the sequel of The Mischievous of Them All. In a flashback on this weeks episode, Reginas father apologized to her for not protecting her enough, suggesting that Coras torment started when Regina was young. AU (currently rewriting some parts/removing mistakes), This kid. After she burned that scroll, Henry rushed to hug Emma, and once again he left Regina alone standing behind, heartbroken. Now she just needs her to say yes. First stab at SwanQueen :),, Emma Swan was living a fairly normal life in Boston. AU Swan Queen, Henrys actions are those of a child who is very confident and secure in his place at home and his mothers love. Cora had help from Rumpelstiltskin, Jefferson and Dr. Whale. While it breaks my heart a little when Henry yells that she is not his mother., Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire, Regina M./The Evil Queen, Killian Jones/Captain Hook, Rated:Fiction K- English - Humor/Family,, The rating may change with the chapters, depends on the prompts. Deep down, even she knew it. Her friends tell her about the Creative Writing teacher that she has on her schedule and how no one had passed her class with an A, not even her bookworm friend, Belle. what if on the day that emma was born she wasn't the only one what if the day the evil queen cast her curse Rumpelsiltskin took the child and raised her as his own will in which killian jones chooses revenge over the love of his life and she tries her hardest not to go down the same path as him Emma Swan is at the bottom-the class's biggest nerd whom the popular kids just love to tease. No one believing him prompted him to find his birth mother, Emma Swan, who is the child of Snow White and Prince Charming. On the plus side, Henry actually shows a moral sense and a preference for good over evil. Time limit is exhausted. She works at a law firm with mostly men who push her around and make her feel useless. And anyways none of that matters. The love of her father wasnt enough to stop her from spiraling into darkness; the lack of love from her mother and the loss of Daniel tipped the balance towards anger and a life of revenge.]. She named the child she adopted Henry after her father, and I imagine that she wasnt as bad of a mother as Cora. . In Storybrooke, Regina didnt have to worry about her mother interfering, but she also didnt have her father, the one person who loved her unconditionally. If she didnt actually love Henry Sr., _the Dark Curse would have failed_. Orphan Black And was the reason Emma grew up without any parents at all. For over a hundred years she was cursed into a magical slumber after being taken by her Great-Aunt, Dahlia Before Regina Mills became The Evil Queen, she had a daughter. When Henry finds Mr Golds true love in the hospital in a coma, he concocts a plan with Emma to reunite Rumplestiltskin and Belle. . With Emmas arrival, Regina reverted to her wicked ways because she faced every adoptive parents fear: the return of the birth parents. Perhaps Ill have to try to catch up at somepoint to see how I feel. Over her winter break, Emma Swan has a spontaneous one night stand with a stranger on Christmas Eve. As long as Regina isnt happy, then the town is happy. Since Regina refused to reform before, she must be incapable of changing at all. The source of Reginas evil is her mother Cora. I am all for open adoptions and relationships. A beautiful little princess with brown eyes and hair like her mother. [The (sort-of) sequel to "Desperate Measures. Looks like shes going evil again. In the end I dont feel so bad for her.. Only now she has to explain to them that she's entrusted her precious son with a pirate and convince herself there's nothing sweet or paternal about the way Killian cradles Henry against his chest.Post-3x12 New York City Serenade. Criminal Mindes Emma, not exactly the world's best cook, tries to apologise to the mayor through food. Side order of Red Beauty, if you squint. Henry, age 23, decides to give the crowd what they want, what they really want. +++++ It was his coldness that led Regina to suspect that he might know the truth about the book. Did things change between them so radically while they were in Neverland? That wouldn't be such a problem if Emma hadn't found Regina's profile and begins communicating with the Mayor, Gold fan fiction, Regina M./The Evil Queen, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. It turns out that Rumplestiltskin was wrong. Think about that, because its important. So he tells them the only one he knows: the greatest love story of all time, and it just so happens, that this love story is his mothers'. No one, not Snow, Charming, Emma, or Henry, should tell Regina that she is not a mother. Takes place in a happy future post-cora and with a more mature Henry who doesn't hate his mom. SQ but mentions CS. ", Peter Pan mocked them as he walked around them in a circle. But, the curse was never cast. She is prepare for everything. Regina is Henrys real mom, not Emma. When Henry finds Mr Gold's true love in the hospital in a coma, he concocts a plan with Emma to reunite Rumplestiltskin and Belle. I had to stop watching this, the little boy is extremely heartless! Two yea Regina Mills is a hard working, overworked and underpaid mother., New to Chicago Emma, a professional cellist, is shocked to find that a beautiful deaf woman is her new president of the board. He wanted to call Rumpelstiltskin grandpa, but didnt want to call her mother mom anymore???, Emma's wasted and accidentally calls Regina instead of her mom. if ( notice ) I agree and dont. Henry is her child, not Emma's, and she has every right to be protective of Henry. She's the half-vampire daughter of Regina Mills (Evil Queen) and Daniel Arius (Stable Boy). "The story of the Boy with the Truest Heart and the Girl Who Never Stopped Believing in Him. Drowning in loneliness, they find solace in each otherdespite the many obstacles theyll face along the way. Henry reacted in a similar manner to Emma, when he realized she was lying to him in late Season 3. (function( timeout ) { Before Henry got the "once upon a time book", he had loved his mother . tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", "No one has ever cared for me the way you do. When you are trying to change and become a better person, having someone believe in you is essential. Henry seeks to reunite his divorced mothers if it's the last thing he does. Emma can be his relative, can be the woman that gave birth to him, can be so much more. One is cursed to forget and two are cursed to remember. Along the way, they help each other deal with the traumas and mistakes of their pasts and move towards a possible future together as a family. Both smitten but deadly, the couple live peacefully in Neverland. I guess my cousin said that because she is an adoptive mother too, so she really felt what Regina felt, that it really hurts to hear your son said to you you are not my mother. Slowburn SwanQueen. part 10: Twizel salmon, Lake Ohau, New Zealand trip, where to go? Massachusetts State Police Capt. My name has always been just Emma. Rated M for language and sexytimes in later chapters. They are too busy being terrified of what the parent is going to do to them for the genuine mistakes they made (or those imagined but as a child you dont realize that the parent is going to be abusive and find a reason to justify). What if Regina left Storybrooke after the curse broke. "Nothing is worth destroying yourself over, but if you are going to destroy yourself, make sure it is for something spectacular, make sure it is for yourself. Leo Tolstoy. As someone who is the daughter of an adopted child, when Henry tells Regina that she is not his mother and no one reprimands him, I get angry. 18 Stories. A beautiful little princess with brown eyes and hair like her mother. you probably know how she has come to be. SwanQueen. Her adopted mother gets meaner and everything s. Raven Pan is not a normal girl. The fear of Henry being taken away from her explains her actions. When Nova Nolan is taken to Neverland with Henry she must survive the island, the lost boys, other dangers and the attractive leader who pushes her patience everyday. For some reason, Regina, a woman who is supposed to be the embodiment of evil, adopted a child and raised him the best she could. Reginas actions in Fairy Tale Land are the reasons Snow and Charming and everyone from Fairy Tale Land eagerly believe in Reginas guilt., In the 1970's, Sheriff Mills is new in town and on the job, and has become the first woman to work at the station. = "block"; Henry's year without memories made him see his Mom in a new light. High School AU. An accident leads Emma to discover Regina's secret and she goes to great lengths to use it to gain leverage against the mayor. "I didnt want to wake mom & figured I could crash into bed & catch some sleep before the weekend started. But sure, despite her evil past and her coldness she is the right choice because SHE changed his diapers.]. For all that he says she doesnt really love him. Emma is frustrated that no one believes Regina is her true love. Two, Emma is not exactly good past material herself. nine Through a pen pal program designed to ease the ache of homesick soldiers, Emma and Regina begin sending letters to one another as their relationship grows from cordial acquaintance to something neither woman would have expected - until the letters stop coming. A new AU from yours truly This fanfic takes place sometime after Regina, Emma, and the others arrive in Neverland. Emma is the only other candidate handy for the role of mother, and Regina is patently unfit. Regina is Henrys legal mother and Emma could be charged with kidnapping., Oh, I read about that. given.First one is mine : What happened after the last scene. :), Henry and Samantha.. Emma and Regina. season one season six But, who really benefits from the deal? When Emma asked him to go out of town, he didnt say I think we should tell my mom that were going out of town., Desperate Measures - Dakota829Snow (Complete, Rated K+), The Last Resort - Dakota829Snow (Complete, Rated K+), Operation Wings - Dakota829Snow (Complete, Rated M), The Landing Spot - Dakota829Snow (Complete, Rated T), Meet Me Halfway - Hunnyfresh (Complete, Rated M), Letters From War - Hunnyfresh (Complete, Rated M), Incoming Messages - Hunnyfresh (Complete, Rated M), Cheerleaders and Nerds - Chrmdpoet (Complete, Rated T), The Princess and The Prisoner - Chrmdpoet (Complete, Rated M), Playing the Game - Chrmdpoet (Complete, Rated M), The Secrets in the Telling - Pyrophoric (Complete, Rated T), The Collar - littledragonflyson (Incomplete, Rated M), The Diary of a Queens Pet - Scarlette-Rayne (Complete, Rated M), Miles To Go - RhysMerilot (Complete, Rated M), Butterfly Effect - misscanteloupe (Complete, Rated M), The Storybrooke Connection - Absedarian (Complete, Rated M), Teachers Pet - RegalChromaggia69 (Complete, Rated M), Teasing Is Our Game - HeleSL (Complete, Rated M), That Drunken Night (I Hardly Remember) - Corikane (Complete, Rated M), Last Thing Youll Do - Calliope-Plantain (Complete, Rated M), I Love College Rooming Arrangements - The Regalist (Complete, Rated M), Story Of The Caged Bird - Cuzo (Complete, Rated M), Tame The Dragon - Morshon (Complete, Rated M), Flight SQA016 - CurvyPragmatist (Complete, Rated M), Sequestered - i.heart.mean.girls (Complete, Rated M), Coveted - i.heart.mean.girls (Complete, Rated M), Not A Fairy Tale Romance - Seriousish (Complete, Rated M), The Wicked Stepmother - Seriousish (Complete, Rated M), Shadow Haven - Delirious-Comfort (Incomplete, Rated M), The Bucket List - Hunnyfresh (Incomplete, Rated M), FindLove - ScarletGypsy (Incomplete, Rated M), Spag Bol to Sticky Date: Emma Swans Culinary Guide to Wooing a Mayor - Scribes and Scrolls (Complete, Rated M), The Debt - Scribes and Scrolls (Complete, Rated M), A Ledger Squared In Blood - Scribes and Scrolls (Complete, Rated M), Almost Home - Chrmdpoet (Complete, Rated T), The Loudest Silence - Olivia Janae (Complete, Rated M), My Enemys Enemy Egoperceptum (Rated M), Take Me Home Tonight ScarletGypsy (Rated M), Making Exceptions misquotesandeightnotes (Rated M), Whispers In The Night Delirious-Comfort (Rated M), Wedding Crasher misscanteloupe (Rated M). part 13: Lake Tekapo, New Zealand trip, where to go? Emma Swan works hard every night as a bartender, struggling to raise her son and save up enough to own her own bar. Father and Son. Henry and Hook. "I slipped through my bedroom door & made my way quietly downstairs towards the flickering light that lit up the dark mansion. Smut ensues. They have two kids.. Henry and Samantha.. Emma and Regina Regina just wants Brian back. The master villainess raised her son to lean heroic. Having just finished season 2, Ive been super conflicted about this issue. She has changed every diaper, soothed every fever, endured every tantrum. You know you are the product of these two people, and trying to figure out why one is loving while the other is not can be bewildering and, in my case, cause depression. My adaptation of the tv show Gilmore Girls, starting when sixteen years-old Regina runs away from her parents home with her newborn son, and lands in a diner where shes welcomed by a young British teenage boy named Robin Locksley. OR IN WHICH Learn how your comment data is processed. AU Swan Queen,, Film noir AU set in 1934: Regina is a nightclub owner, and Emma is a pilot. Despite the distance, they engage in a relationship, but as the two come closer together, Emma fears her biggest secret could tear them apart As their friendship grows Emma begins to wonder, what does it look like when a world of sound and a world of silence meet somewhere in the middle? Henry goes to college and has Emma and Regina drive him and his stuff up. But it doesn't exactly go to plan. swanqueen; regina; emma +2 more # 9. Can their love pull through? She had an apartment that overlooked the skyline, a job and a boyfriend, even though he lived in another state. var notice = document.getElementById("cptch_time_limit_notice_54"); -AU- There is no curse. Emma may have been screwed by the system and in and out of homes, but Regina was raised by a murderous, controlling sociopath. What secrets do they hold? With 19 years, Emma is in senior year. Snow and Charming tell their daughter that she can be Henrys mother, and they want her to be. We are meant to despise her. The Mikaelsons finally become a real family a After a few years, Clary is coming back to Neverland. UPDATED chapter 3 and from Chapter 8 onwards Regina hears a sound in the middle of the night & her curiosity gets the better of her.. Little does she know Henry's awake. The Vampire Diaries And now, she was here. Warning: Mother/son incest, dont like, dont read. this is my first story so bare with me. Publication irrgulire. Post-curse. And in last weeks episode, Snow told Regina that Emma didnt have to tell Regina that she took Henry out of town. Im like, Uh yeah she did. Girlxgirl endgame and a cast of characters you know and love from the hi A once upon a time fanfiction with henry's twin sister. Everybody else is frozen in time. Warning: May experience extreme SwanQueen feels. Before Regina Mills became The Evil Queen, she had a daughter. Unlike the time in Fairy Tale Land, Regina wanted to redeem herself because she is a mother. A young boy brings his biological mother to his hometown Jane De Leon, a 4th year college student, has an unbreakable bond with her bestfriend, Joshua Garcia; but what if they both found themselves falling in love with the sam Regina and daughter OUAT fanfic: Shortly after Regina became Queen, she gave birth to a beautiful girl named Daniella. All rights reserved. 2 Broke Girls Henry's on and off POV. They put Emma in a freaking wardrobe to an unknown place where they didnt even know what would happen to her or how she would grow up. Vrac de textes crits pendant les nuits du FoF et de scnarios qui devraient prendre place dans des histoires plus longues que je n'crirai sans doute jamais. Henry is her son, and he always will be. But after Rumpel and the other two manipulated her into making a desperate attempt to bring Daniel back from the dead . Set before the curse breaks. A classic story with a twist. I think that is more normal, about to hit puberty hormone crud. Daily grind of work Regina isnt happy, then the town is.! Work together to rekindle their tainted love change between them so radically while they were in Neverland the! Evil is her true love him and his mothers love somepoint to see how I feel 's and... She must be incapable of changing at all an accident leads Emma to discover Regina 's and! Dont like, dont like, dont like, dont like, dont like, like. When they worked together while Henry was communicating with Aurora extremely heartless downstairs towards the flickering light lit. Hat in to the Enchanted Forest instead of destroying it so that Emma would be without. Any parents at all Swan has a sequel `` Taming a little time... 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